Determination, Joy, Bravery, Perseverance

 The manner in which an individual begins his or her day is gravely important in the progression of the day to follow. If a person starts his or her daily life lacking a plan, there is ultimately room for error within the day. Goals tend to have an important role in our personal success. Establishing well constructed habits a person  contains the ability to focus beyond what today holds, and may think broader. A simple routine or obligation such as making the bed before leaving the house, is an achievement found in itself. The influence though being a simple effort, creates an action, and results in a form of structure as an outcome. This week reminded me of that. Throughout hardships in life, I do believe it is important to find structure again. Never allowing any form of adversity stand in the way of our natural drive. Resiliency ultimately being essential to life. In the words of Dustin Hoffman "We must face tomorrow; whatever it may hold, with determination, joy, and bravery". Truthfully I feel it should have been stated: Begin each day; whatever it may hold, with determination, joy, bravery, and perseverance. Let's begin each day with the best of our abilities, no matter what the day may hold. Wishing everyone one well, and looking forward to the days ahead. You stay classy San Diego.


  1. A daily plan, excellent idea and practice! Even if just making a list of what need to be accomplished is a good step :-)

    Sounds like you had a tough week. I hope you are okay ^_^

    Good quote from Dustin Hoffman's character: "We must face tomorrow; whatever it may hold, with determination, joy, and bravery"!

  2. Dustin Hoffman is a great actor. I like that quote as many of us suffer from the fear of the unknown future and a negative mind set.

  3. I really enjoyed that quote, we should definitely live day by day with that in mind.

  4. This approach is really similar to how a number of Buddhist monasteries approach things like chores, cleaning, etc. I saw this firsthand when I was in Japan.

    They viewed something as simple as making the bed, like you said, as, in that moment, an act of monumental importance, deserving of full effort at that point in time. More or less the entire day was built around a series of simple routines, woven together to comprise an intentionally-constructed whole day, like a patchwork quilt.

  5. I find the same solace in appreciating every bit of progress as their own achievements no matter how little or easy they might've been. After a while they begin to stack up and I can feel on top of the world!

  6. I have to have a routine and plan out my day. I can't go with the flow when there is so much to do.

  7. I agree. Structure is so important! I used to not have a routine and never planned my week. I feel so much less stressed when I plan ahead and create a routine because I have less time to think about what I am doing and I just do it on impulse instead.

  8. I think having a plan is essential to accomplishing many tasks successfully.

  9. I prefer a harmonic symphony of chaotic tornados. I tend to work on multiple things at once and have everything all over the place, yet always pull it off somehow in the end. It's stressful, but somehow not.

  10. Following a simple routine becomes a part of you, and if you do it consistently, it doesn't feel like a challenge or a struggle to do it. It becomes normal.

  11. A routine is always nice to have if there is consistency in your schedule

  12. I feel like I have a loose routine day to day. I really enjoyed this post, it is speaking to me.

  13. It sounds like the Slytherin house in Harry Potter.


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