Greetings to Bloggers

It's my pleasure to be sharing new posts and discussing important topics through this new from of social media called "Blogger". A great semester is in our direction, and I wish my classmates well for the weeks ahead. My post is arriving later than most, but I am determined to not allow this to diminish my work ethic. My dedication to pursuing a further editions stems from a desire to learn. From childhood my mother influenced me to always work my hardest, most likely the reason I currently wield three occupations. Seeing how a single mother provided for me during the nations worst depression provided me a first hand look into the real world. Unbelievably she would produce a wonderful Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas each year. How you may ask? No clue, but allowed me to have a great upbringing. Let's produce a great semester together, and assure to work our hardest at all times. 

This is such crucial time in our lives no matter what phase of life we are in. Granted, nothing in life is free and requires hard work. I live each day, no matter what it may hold, with determination, joy, bravery, and perseverance to provide one hundred percent of myself. Look forward to meeting everyone soon!


  1. Better late than never :-)

    Thank you for sharing the inspiration from your mom in raising you as a single parent ^_^

    You will meet your classmates in-person next Saturday and welcome to IS101-3010, Spring 2022!

  2. You got this!
    Single parents are troopers for learning to do a something that normally takes two people to achieve.
    I agree with you, this is a crucial time to learn and can't wait to get to meet you more, there is so much that we are going to go through and the thought of it being the beginning is very exciting I think.

  3. Like an old friend of mine used to say, "I like the way you do business". I'm the exact same way, hard work equals open doors. The harder you work at something the better you'll be and the more opportunities will come your way. I can't wait to meet everyone in person!

  4. To a successful semester and new friends

  5. It is great that you have such an amazing role model that gives you so much motivation to succeed.

  6. God speed and I hope you have a great semester!

  7. Its amazing what we learn from our parents. My dad always has said that if you want something you need to work hard for it.

  8. I'm not as close or comfortable with my family as I wish I were, but there is no argument that parents are the real superheroes in the world. I try to remain appreciative of my parents and I think your outlook definitely shares that opinion.

  9. That is nice how your mom influenced you to hardwork. Mine also did the same thing, but in a tougher way. Your mom also sounds like a really good person.

  10. Having known many, single-parenting takes strength of character. Definitely sounds like it rubbed off on you, too.

  11. Sounds like your mother was an amazing women. Wishing success for us all.

  12. It's inspiring that you live each day with determination, bravery and joy.

  13. Keep it up. Continue to be determine and persevere. You will be successful in this class.

  14. It's nice you recognized and appreciated your mother for all she does. I wish you success in all your endeavors.

  15. Wow three occupations I am struggling with the one you must have a amazing work ethic.

  16. I hope you are doing well!! I fell behind a bit, but I am trying to finish strong for sure.


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